Saturday 28 November 2015

How to set an acrylic wig using rollers and steam.

    I would never thought that setting an acrylic wig is going to be that hard. A lot of patience is required!!!
  With acrylic fibres, care has to be taken not to damage them with heated, electric styling tools. This is why steam is used to style them. This is the only way you can style the wig in the way you want but still keeping their structure.
    In my case I needed to style the wig in 80's Punk style, so I used rollers to fix the direction I want the hair to be and then steamed it. In this way, the direction that the hair will have already will help me to create the desired look:

This is the way I have divided the hair  in sections: The middle part for which I used small rollers directed backwards and then the sides for which I used bidder rollers and directed them towards the middle (towards the yellow rollers)

After I have applied all the rollers I steamed the hair. Make sure you steam it very well, go round for at least couple of times. Leave to cool down (dry) before you start styling it.

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